
Tennessee Schools for the Deaf Policies are determined and approved by the State of Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) and updated on this page as received. 
Descriptor Code Policy Title
6.2000 Student Attendance
6.2011 Pre-K Attendance
6.2030 School Admissions
6.2090 Child Custody-Parental Access
6.3000 Code of Conduct
6.3010 Rights and Responsibilities of Students
6.3020 Procedural Due Process
6.3030 Interrogations and Searches
6.3040 Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Intimidation, and Hazing
6.3041 Title IX & Sexual Harassment
6.3060 Interference/Disruption of School Activities
6.3070 Drug-Free Schools
6.3080 Bus Safety and Conduct
6.3090 Student Use of Personal Vehicle
6.3091 Zero Tolerance Offenses
6.3100 Student Dress Code
6.3101 Criminal Gang Activity or Association
6.3110 Care of School Property
6.3120 Student Use of Personal Communication and Electronic Devices
6.3140 Corporal Punishment
6.3150 Detention
6.3160 Suspension
6.3170 Disciplinary Hearing Authority
6.3190 Alternative Education
6.4000 Promoting Student Welfare
6.4010 Student Surveys
6.4020 Physical Examinations and Immunizations
6.4030 Student Communicable Diseases
6.4031 Head Lice
6.4040 Student Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
6.4050 Administration of Medication in a School Setting
6.4052 Opioid Antagonist
6.4090 Child Abuse and Neglect
6.4100 Emergency Contact Information
6.4110 Student Wellness
6.4120 Emergency Allergy Response Plan
6.4130 Prevention and Treatment of Sports Related Concussions
6.4140 Prevention and Treatment of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
6.4150 Student Suicide Prevention
6.5001 Restraint and Isolation
6.5030 Homeless Students
6.5040 Migrant Students
6.5050 Students in Foster Care
6.5060 Students From Military Families
6.6000 Student Records
6.6040 Media Access to Students
6.7020 Student Clubs and Organizations
6.7030 Student Government
6.7040 Student Publications
6.7090 Student Fees and Fines
6.8000 Transfer of Rights to Students Who Reach the Age of Majority