Statewide School Outreach


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Statewide School Outreach Referral Form


Statewide School Outreach services, through Tennessee Schools for the Deaf (TSD), are provided to schools across the state at no cost through the Tennessee Department of Education. The TSD School Outreach team will schedule a consultation with any school at the request of a district or school leadership, direct service providers for students who are deaf and hard of hearing, classroom teachers, or parents. The mission of the Statewide School Outreach team is to provide collaborative support for the educational team in meeting the needs of students who are deaf and hard of hearing in schools across Tennessee.


Email us at [email protected] 

Access to the Statewide School Outreach authorization form:

Support services and resources provided to all districts in our state on an individual basis include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Support
  • Behavioral assessment / consultation
  • Classroom observation / consultation
  • Phone consultation
  • Program consultation
  • Resources and materials
  • Psycho-educational assessment
  • Professional development
  • Student observation
Educational Interpreting Support
  • Interpreter observation and feedback
  • Professional Development opportunities
  • Resources and materials
  • Support professional collaboration in the workplace
  • TN Educational Interpreter Google sign up
Audiological Support
  • Comprehensive audiological evaluations
  • Auditory processing screening / evaluations
  • Classroom observation / consultation
  • FM / DM / remote mic technology consultation / loaner program
  • Professional development
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