TSDN Campus Homepage


TSD Nashville Logo

115 Stewarts Ferry Pike, Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 649-0573

Tennessee School for the Deaf Nashville (TSDN) is a state school that offers a comprehensive education to meet the needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students Early Childhood Education - 5th grade.  TSDN emphasizes a bilingual education in which the acquisition of both American Sign Language (ASL) and English is fostered. Students are provided educational experiences that develop skills and knowledge that they need to be successful members in their communities. The field of education is constantly evolving, and we strive to adapt and equip our faculty with the necessary resources needed to provide a well-rounded, research-based education bilingual education.


TSDN strives to meet the needs of the whole child by providing additional supports as determined by the IEP team.  Our school focuses on a multi-level tier approach to behavior intervention with a focus on positive behavior. Students also experience a variety of related arts classes: ASL Rhythm,  Physical Education, Art, and Social Emotional Learning.


All faculty and staff at TSDN are committed to providing our students with an exceptional education in a safe, secure, and healthy environment.




PTCA Membership Meeting; Pancake & Sausage Event 11/18/22

PTCA Membership Meeting:
You are invited to attend PTCA of TSD next week, November 14, on Zoom. This is a great opportunity to bring families, staff, and community together from all 3 campuses. Bring your ideas, suggestions, and enthusiasm for supporting our amazing kids! ASL/English interpreting will be provided. Please email if you have additional accessibility needs.

Pancake & Sausage Event
Pancake and Sausage is back! Come to the TSD Knoxville campus on November 18th to eat, socialize, and support our PTCA of TSD organization. See you there!

Reunión de miembros de PTCA:
Está invitado a asistir a la PTCA de TSD la próxima semana, 14 de noviembre, en Zoom. Esta es una gran oportunidad para reunir a las familias, el personal y la comunidad de los 3 campus. ¡Trae tus ideas, sugerencias y entusiasmo para apoyar a nuestros increíbles niños! Se proporcionará interpretación de ASL/inglés. Envíe un correo electrónico si tiene necesidades adicionales de accesibilidad.

Evento de panqueques y salchichas
¡Pancake and Sausage está de regreso! Venga al campus de TSD Knoxville el 18 de noviembre para comer, socializar y apoyar a nuestra organización PTCA de TSD. ¡Te veo allí!

TSDN Events