About Us » Mission & Vision Statement

Mission & Vision Statement

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Empowering students, families, and stakeholders through education, advocacy, and community



Tennessee School for the Deaf students will be linguistically and culturally competent. They will exhibit a mastery of both American Sign Language (ASL) and English and possess self-knowledge and skills necessary to succeed academically and socially as a productive member of society.


Students will:

  • Approach challenges with optimism and perseverance while working toward solutions, asking for help when appropriate, collaborating with others to problem solve, and self-advocating
  • Respect themselves and others
  • Exhibit curiosity and creativity
  • Demonstrate a mastery of both ASL and English
  • Develop short- and long-term plans for learning and develop career goals that give purpose to their learning
  • Exhibit a joy for learning through free thinking and creativity while developing self-confidence


Teachers and Staff will:

  • Respect, value, and honor the language and culture of Deaf and Hard of hearing individuals
  • Demonstrate a mastery of ASL and English
  • Approach their work with optimism, humility, and teamwork
  • Set high expectations for students’ behavior, academic performance, and creative endeavors
  • Develop lessons and tasks that align to grade-level standards with appropriate support for student success
  • Collaborate effectively to promote learning through incidental learning  in school, at home, and in the community
  • Model behavior and mentor students to set high aspirations for themselves and to develop appropriate plans to achieve those aspirations
  • Provide support and resources to facilitate student success


In an environment that:  

  • Is language and information rich, exhibiting appreciation of and value for identity, language, and culture
  • Respects all employees and values the purpose of each job  
  • Displays strong leadership and effective communication
  • Is safe, nurturing, and professional
  • Allocates resources effectively for student success